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Neck Nest Pillow

Rest Better. Restore Posture. Recharge Energy. Corrective Sleep Therapy Heal Your Spine While You Sleep After a review of over 1,000 of my patient X-Rays I found a pattern. This pattern reflects the loss of the cervical curve in our necks from poor sleeping posture, yes, you read that correctly - back problems develop from POOR SLEEPING HABITS. This common loss is reinforced by our modern day lifestyle of texting and prolonged computer work, etc. Our bodies compensate by twisting our hips and throwing our lower backs out of alignment.
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How Your Bed and Pillow Affect Your Body Mechanics

Let’s take the two lessons I learned from that movie scene and my episodes of falling asleep in the wrong position and put them together. Beds are made to be more and more comfortable and absorb your body’s weight to decrease pressure points. They support you as you sleep on your side, but what about back in the 19th century? There would be no way you could sleep on your side with just a block of wood and a towel.

You would be tossing and turning all night long because your body weight would be distributed over a small surface area causing pressure points. The only way you would be able to sleep is on your back, which distributes your weight over the greatest surface area — which is how the actors slept in the movie.

Try lying on your side and watching a two-hour movie. You would not be able to do it without turning (trust me; I tried it). You can only stay on your side for a short time until something either goes numb or gets uncomfortable.

And this is one of the reasons why you toss and turn all night long. The area of the brain that senses pain and the area of the brain that controls sleep are very close. When your body is in pain it wakes up, or the body moves you out of that position (tossing and turning). That reflex is suppressed when you have drugs like alcohol, sleeping pills, pain meds or are extremely tired. So, what happens is that you stay in your abnormal body position (side or stomach sleeping) for prolonged periods of time and pull muscles or sprain ligaments.

Now that is just one night’s effect. Let’s talk about my main reason for writing this article. It is what you do on a regular basis that defines your health and well-being. Remember, your body adapts to your daily lifestyle habits. What you do every day is what defines your current state of health. Years and years of side sleeping and stomach sleeping cause damage to your spine that your body internalizes.

What To Expect When You Get Your Neck Nest...

Step 1: Break In Period ( 2-4 weeks)
Get your Neck Nest and your body ready to transform your sleep.

Step 2: Using Your Neck Nest
Get your Neck Nest situated correctly under your neck in just 3 easy steps.

Step 3: Transformation
This will happen over time. Peaceful Sleep awaits you

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